How do I get started with surfing?

We recommend a couple things to get safely started with river surfing: 

  • Join the Surf Dayton group page on facebook. Here, you can post and connect with local surfers, ask questions to help get you started, stay updated with surf reports and wave/water conditions, and see when others will be out so there are seasoned eyes to watch you (safety and support in numbers!)

  • Book a lesson with local surf lesson and gear outfitter, Surf Dayton from June-September. Instructors will give you safety and equipment talks and guide you on learning the wave with proper gear and etiquette.

Is the Ohio RSA for kayakers, too?

Absolutely! The Ohio RSA is for anyone who recreates on whitewater or who is interested in the betterment of our riverways, recreationally and ecologically. A good wave and a strong whitewater community benefits all, not just board surfers. We welcome and appreciate the representation of kayakers and boaters in our organization and down on the waves.

What is the best way to help improve surfing in Ohio?

The most effective way for a surfer to improve surfing in Ohio is to take on a project or projects that they are passionate about with the support of the Ohio RSA. This process will build lasting, positive, and good surfing in Ohio. We strongly encourage surfers to take on projects and encourage others to do the same. A project can be anything a surfer wants or can imagine and the Ohio RSA will support you. Alternatively, the Ohio RSA always has projects that can use additional support. All of the Ohio RSA projects are the result of passionate surfers taking action and being supported by the Association. This includes waves, surf polo, surf decks, signs, events, and more. The Ohio RSA is an amazing resource for surfers to improve surfing in Ohio.

How is the direction of the Ohio RSA determined?

The direction of the Ohio RSA is informed by:

  • Member guidance. This is established through surveys and resultant plans that are reviewed and comment on by Ohio RSA members.

  • The surfers doing the work.

Like most volunteer organizations, there are a small number of surfers who do most of the work.

Why do river wave projects cost so much and take so long?

River wave projects are complex and expensive and take a long time. The reasons for this are a combination of:

  • Regulatory requirements.

  • High risk if in-river structures are poorly designed.

  • Dewatering.

  • Complexity of in-river work.

  • Powerful force of water and flooding.

A really cheap and quick project is only possible in an existing, privately owned, concrete canal that can be easily dewatered. Almost all river wave projects take 5 to 10 years and cost over a million dollars. There is no shortcut to getting a good river wave. For $350,000 or less, much of which can be grants, we can have amazing waves in our many rivers.

How does the Ohio RSA select vendors and providers of professional services?

Anytime there is an opportunity for a paid project, the Ohio RSA board decides which organization to work with based on maximizing the benefit to the Ohio RSA, surfing in Ohio, and our goals. The board consists of 7 association members elected by the membership. Large value projects involve a request for a quote sent to multiple providers. Should a board member(s) or Ohio RSA member(s) offer services through their company or organization then that member(s) are not part of discussions or decisions about vendor selection for that opportunity as per our Conflict of Interest policy.